Friday, November 19, 2010

My experience learning english at the University

This is my last post in this blog and I'm going to talk about my experience learning english this year in the University of Chile, In the first semester doing english I don't learned so much, english class is important for all subjects because we always need read papers so we need read and talk english. The last year I was in University of Talca and I had english too, there the methods for teach are totally different, we had a guide book for every class and we had a lot of homeworks, once a week we went to talk with a exchange student from England so we learned how pronounce the words too. Here is different, we don't have a guide book for consult, is truth we have online material but when we don't feel under pressure we don't look the material. I think the problem is the test of english in the first semester when we was selected for diferent class in diferent level, Now I want learn more but is difficult when the class is more advanced. In this second semester I learned more things about medical words and how pronounce that words, but I don't know so much english, maybe I needed stay in other class, in other level for learn more, or maybe I needed don't take this subject this semester and take advantage of this. Whatever my experience is not so good, but I'm going to pass this subject because I have the conviction that what I will make

In my point of view is necessary more interactive material, more homeworks, that kind of things. I like the blogs methods, is a really good form to practice our orthography but we need more feedback from our teacher,I don't only want write, I want write good.

In general I don't like english class, also is too far of Independencia.

Bye, have a good week. :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Greys Anatomy

Hello! now I'm going to talk about this medical serie who I see every week. This serie have 7 sesions and the story is about a group of medical students who do their medical residency in "Seattle Greace Hospital". The first year the group are in charge of Bailey MD. and she is know for be extremely demanding. The story is told for Meredith Grey who always give advice of life in the end of every episode.

The residents are Meredith Greys, Cristina Yang, Alex Karev, Issie Stevens and George O'malley. In the first season their know the hospital life, how to treat patients and form a circle of friendship.

In the second and third seasons begin a series of love problems between the resident and doctors. For me the best season is five, Issie is diagnosed with skin cancer in stage IV, what means the cancer is in all her organs for that reason this entire season in an intense stress, in this season O'Malley suffers a serious accident for save a girl in the street and dies, so the group are devastated by tragedy, there are new characters that are important to follow the story. In the last episode Issie is recovered, but for the impact of O'malley death and the illness, she decided retire from her medical residency.

Greys anatomy is in a mistery until the sixth season, here by economic problems the "Steattle Greace Hospital" merged with other Hospital so new residents going to invade to the group and here start a fight who finished in a gunfire in the last episode. Yes Greys Anatomy is constantly tragedy, but is good serie, full of love, friendship and medical learning.

The 7 season had a slow start, but now start new problems, disappointments, etc. I love this serie, and this 7 season I think is the last one and is full of new adventures.

See you!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sonata Arctica in Chile 2010!

Hi everyone, I'm going to talk about the concert of this group the last 24 october where I was with my best friend.

Sonata arctica is a group of power metal from Finland, is integrated for Tony Kakko, guitarist Jani Liimatainen, bassist Janne Kivilahti and drummer Tommy Portimo. well I love this group because I remember good moments with my friends, good times. The music is fantastic you full of energy, so I decided buy the entrance for me and for my best friend because he had so much problems and he need relax, doing something different. The concert was in "Teatro Caupolicán" and was fantastic, full of people, the sound was amazing, and we were in "Cancha" just in the limit with "preferencial" so we had a perfect ubication.

The show started at 9 PM and all started to jump, In the 2008 the band presented the disc called "unia" and I was with my friend too. I believe every time this band coming to Chile I'll go see, I love.

The first song who sang Tony was "Flag in The ground" of new disc called "The Days Of Grays" is a good song but I prefer the old songs, in this kind of things in 2008 was better. We speak with a lot of people, from all parts of Chile while we waited in the row that was fun.

Everyone need to go to a concert his favorite band, is the best experience who one can take, if you can you need to go, the price is not so expensive. A lot of good bands have been presented in recent years in Chile so you need to take advantage of this boom, and is a perfect present for people who you love especially now that Christmas is near.

Bye ! have a great week.