Hello today I'm going to talk about "Dealing with the stress at the university", this university is know for be one best universities of the country, for this reason the University of Chile puts so much pressure in every one, but the pressure in this end of years is a lot, and you need have a life away from all this. So the thing that I do for dealing whit stress is take time for do nothing, go out with my friends, go to visit at my family who lives in Rancagua and do other kind of things. People needs organize their time, in this university all run, well in Santiago the people go for the life very quickly and I lately too. But I don't understand so good this kind of life, when I lived in Talca the people needed the same things but all is more relaxed than here, don't run for go to underground and all people had a best mood. In Rancagua is the same kind of life, the people don't go very quickly.
Well this is a problem with the "big city" is diferent and have a magic too.
In this end of year we need study a lot for the tests, now is more important than never, in this moment we now if the efford has rewards, so we dont have time for relax, we need stay concentrated, I know it is dificult but is necessary, you need organize your time in studying hours and time for do nothing or go out for a while. The university is complicated, but is not impossible, you need have conviction, you can do this, can always.
You need think in Christmas, in the beach, in happy new year! in a lot of thing for this summer, after tests you will have all this.
See you.
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